
I didn't go out this entire weekend (which doesn't happen a lot), and it resulted in me finally uploading a new cover to my youtube channel!! (link here). 

Facts about my channel: 
  • I have 708 subscribers 
  • I upload covered songs (have one original) 
  • I would like to upload more original songs (new years resolution?) 
  • My most popular video is 'Fast Car' (link) that I did with my friend in 2011, 43,600 views, insane! 
  • I do not talk in my videos, since I'm afraid my English is a mess ;) 

I haven't uploaded since July 2013, so it was about time. I covered 'Human Nature' by The King Michael Jackson. Watch it below and tell me what you think! Thank you

- Malina

The Fault In Our Stars

So my sister was reading this book called 'The Fault in our Stars" by John Green, in Danish "En flænge i himlen", and was really stunned (which rarely happens)! She told me "Malina, you HAVE to read this book", and so I did (or I am - not done yet).

Briefly the book is about sixteen year-old Hazel Grace, who is suffering from lung-cancer. She meets this boy, Augustus, but is afraid to fall in love with him, as she knows her life could be ending any minute. They have quite an adventure together..... and then you have to read the rest by yourself ;)  
Can't wait to finish it.

Fact: the book is a bestseller in New York, and is released as a movie this year!  

- Malina 

Long time, no see

I felt like blogging again and just updated my site. I ended up switching into English as well for my English-speaking followers on youtube. I will be blogging about my life or whatever's on my mind and you're very welcome to be reading along!
On this "first" post I would like to show you shoes that I recently bought (I do not buy a lot of shoes so these will last me a long time!). 

These shoes are the brand "DayforDay" and bought in Odense (DK).They remind me a lot of the style of Dr. Martens shoes. But what I fell for was the pattern which makes them a bit more unique, I think. And they are black by the way!
(+my instagram)
For a long time I've wanted shoes that would fit any festive event without being either too much or too casual. And I though that these shoes were perfect!

- Malina

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